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Core components form the essential foundation of a product's formulation.

Plays a vital role as a thickening and stabilizing agent in skincare formulations. This synthetic polymer is derived from acrylic acid and alkyl acrylate, offering several key benefits. Notably, it enhances product texture and consistency, providing a smooth and velvety feel to formulations while improving their stability. The mechanism of action involves the formation of a crosslinked network in the formulation, creating a gel-like texture and enhancing viscosity. Additionally, it effectively suspends other ingredients, preventing product separation and maintaining formulation integrity. Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer is generally considered safe for topical use.

Fiume, M. M., Heldreth, B., Boyer, I., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., & Andersen, F. A. (2017). Safety assessment of Cross-Linked alkyl acrylates as used in cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 36(5_suppl2), 59S-88S.

Commonly known as purified water, this ingredient serves as a fundamental base in skincare formulations. To ensure utmost safety and efficacy, it undergoes reverse osmosis filtration, a process that effectively removes impurities and contaminants, resulting in pure and clean water. By providing a pristine base, Aqua contributes to the optimal performance of skincare products.

Serves as a versatile and essential component in skincare formulations, primarily functioning as a thickening and stabilizing agent. Derived synthetically from acrylic acid. Notably, Carbomer plays a crucial role in enhancing product viscosity, which results in improved texture and consistency. Moreover, it exhibits exceptional suspension properties, effectively preventing settling or separation of other ingredients within the formulation. The mechanism behind Carbomer's efficacy involves its ability to swell and absorb water, creating a gel-like consistency that aids in thickening the formulation while imparting a smooth texture. Its stabilizing properties ensure the product maintains its desired characteristics and overall performance. Carbomer is generally recognized as safe for topical use.

Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Carbomers-934, -910, -934P, -940, -941, and -962. (1990). Journal of the American College of Toxicology, 1(2), 109–141.

A versatile ingredient frequently employed in skincare formulations, serves a trifecta of essential functions as an emollient, emulsifier, and thickening agent. Derived from a combination of naturally occurring fatty alcohols, cetyl and stearyl alcohol. Acting as an emollient, this ingredient creates a shield on the skin's surface, effectively locking in moisture and promoting optimal hydration. The outcome is noticeably softer, suppler skin, making Cetearyl Alcohol a coveted component in moisturizing skincare products. In addition to its emollient properties, Cetearyl Alcohol functions as an emulsifier, blending oil and water-based ingredients within formulations, ensuring the integration of diverse components. This ability enhances the product's stability, as well as its homogeneity, which ultimately results in a reliable, unified formulation. Furthermore, Cetearyl Alcohol acts as a thickening agent, contributing to the formulation's texture and overall consistency. The improved spreadability of the product on the skin is a direct result of Cetearyl Alcohol's involvement in facilitating an even, effortless application process. Cetearyl Alcohol boasts a favorable safety profile.

Final report on the safety assessment of cetearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, isostearyl alcohol, myristyl alcohol, and behenyl alcohol. (1988). Journal of the American College of Toxicology, 7(3), 359–413.

Plays a valuable role in skincare formulations. As a pH adjuster, this naturally occurring acid, found in citrus fruits or produced through fermentation of carbohydrates, helps maintain the desired acidity or alkalinity in skincare products. Generally recognized as safe for topical use.

Fiume, M. M., Heldreth, B., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., & Andersen, F. A. (2014). Safety assessment of citric acid, inorganic citrate salts, and alkyl citrate esters as used in cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 33(2_suppl), 16S-46S.

A silicone-based solvent and emollient that plays a crucial role in skincare formulations, sourced from a synthetic compound derived from silicon. Its attributes include enhancing product spreadability, resulting in a smooth and silky feel upon application. Cyclopentasiloxane's characteristic of evaporating quickly leaves a thin film on the skin, facilitating effortless gliding of products. Furthermore, its synergistic action aids in the efficient delivery of other active ingredients, optimizing their performance. Cyclopentasiloxane is widely recognized as safe for topical use.

Johnson, W., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D. C., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., & Andersen, F. A. (2011). Safety assessment of cyclomethicone, cyclotetrasiloxane, cyclopentasiloxane, cyclohexasiloxane, and cycloheptasiloxane. International Journal of Toxicology, 30(6_suppl), 149S-227S.

A silicone-based emollient and skin protectant, is a valuable ingredient in skincare formulations, sourced from a synthetic polymer derived from silicon. Remarkably versatile, Dimethicone renders a host of benefits that elevate the performance of skincare products. As a protective shield, it forms a breathable, occlusive layer on the skin's surface, effectively safeguarding against moisture loss and external irritants. Notably, Dimethicone achieves these effects without obstructing pores, making it suitable for diverse skin types. Dimethicone is widely regarded as safe for topical application.

Nair, B. R., & Elmore, A. R. (2003). Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Stearoxy Dimethicone, Dimethicone, Methicone, Amino Bispropyl Dimethicone, Aminopropyl Dimethicone, Amodimethicone, Amodimethicone Hydroxystearate, Behenoxy Dimethicone, C24-28 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Methicone, C30-45 Alkyl Dimethicone, Cetearyl Methicone, Cetyl Dimethicone, Dimethoxysilyl Ethylenediaminopropyl Dimethicone, Hexyl Methicone, Hydroxypropyldimethicone, Stearamidopropyl Dimethicone, Stearyl Dimethicone, Stearyl Methicone, and . . .. International Journal of Toxicology, 22(2 Suppl), 11–35.

Known for its conditioning properties and role as a preservative booster in cosmetic formulations, derived from glycerin.

Ethylhexylglycerin acts as a preservative booster, working in conjunction with other preservatives to protect skincare products from microbial growth. This helps extend their shelf life and ensures product stability and safety over time.

When used topically in skincare products, Ethylhexylglycerin is generally considered safe.

Johnson, W., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., & Andersen, F. A. (2013). Safety assessment of alkyl glyceryl ethers as used in cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 32(5_suppl), 5S-21S.

Functions as an emollient, emulsifier, and stabilizing agent. Derived from glycerin and stearic acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid. Acting as an emollient, this ingredient creates a shield on the skin's surface, locking in moisture. In addition to its emollient prowess, Glyceryl Stearate also serves as an emulsifier, blending oil and water-based ingredients in formulations. Also excels in stabilizing emulsions. Additionally, this ingredient contributes to the product's smooth texture. Glyceryl Stearate maintains a favourable safety profile for topical use.

Fiume, M. M., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., Gill, L. J., & Heldreth, B. (2020). Safety assessment of monoglyceryl monoesters as used in cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 39(3_suppl), 93S-126S.

A multifunctional ingredient used as a thickening and binding agent in skincare formulations. Sourced from cellulose, a naturally occurring compound present in plants, it offers several advantageous properties. This compound efficiently enhances product texture, improves viscosity, and imparts a smooth, gel-like consistency to the formulation. Upon contact with water, Hydroxyethylcellulose forms a gel-like matrix, effectively thickening and stabilizing the products. Furthermore, it enhances the spreadability and adhesion of skincare formulations on the skin. Generally recognized as safe for topical use.

Final report on the safety assessment of hydroxyethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, and cellulose gum. (1986). Journal of the American College of Toxicology, 5(3), 1–59.

A versatile emollient and skin conditioning agent used extensively in skincare formulations. Derived from synthetic composition, combining isopropyl alcohol and myristic acid, a fatty acid. Its benefits include enhancing skin softness and smoothness, optimizing product spreadability, and delivering a non-greasy sensation for users. Notably, Isopropyl Myristate plays a pivotal role in reducing the greasiness of skincare products, ensuring they glide effortlessly and are swiftly absorbed upon application. This characteristic facilitates a comfortable user experience, eliminating any residual oiliness or stickiness. Favourable safety profile for topical application.

Fiume, M. M., Heldreth, B., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., & Andersen, F. A. (2015). Safety assessment of alkyl esters as used in cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 34(2_suppl), 5S-69S.

An aromatic ingredient and flavoring agent that occurs naturally in plants, most notably lavender. It has a floral and calming scent. When incorporated into skincare products, Linalyl Acetate enhances the sensory experience, making the application more enjoyable for users.

Linalyl Acetate is generally regarded as safe for topical use and has a very low irritation rate, making this ingredient suitable for most skin types.

Api, A., Belsito, D., Bhatia, S., Bruze, M., Calow, P., Dagli, M., Dekant, W., Fryer, A., Kromidas, L., Sullivan, G., Lalko, J., Lapczynski, A., Liebler, D. C., Miyachi, Y., Politano, V. T., Ritacco, G., Salvito, D., Shen, J., Schultz, T., . . . Wilcox, D. K. (2015). RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, Linalyl acetate, CAS Registry Number 115-95-7. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 82, S39–S48.

A versatile ingredient derived from stearic acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid, and ethylene oxide. PEG-100 Stearate blends oil and water-based ingredients, providing exceptional stability and texture. Also helps to increase the formulation's spreadability, allowing it to glide effortlessly over the skin. PEG-100 Stearate has a favorable reputation for topical use.

Final report on the safety assessment of PEG-2, 6, 8,-12, 20, 32, 40, 50, 100, and 150 stearates. (1983). Journal of the American College of Toxicology, 2(7), 17–34.

Serves as a nonionic surfactant, solubilizer, and emulsifier, derived from castor plant seeds through hydrogenation. Significantly contributes to the efficacy and stability of skincare products. This ingredient plays a pivotal role in solubilizing oil-based components within water-based formulations, promoting product homogeneity. Its exceptional solubilizing properties enhance the stability of the formulations, preventing ingredient separation and promoting consistent product performance. Furthermore, this emulsifier excels in emulsion formation by establishing a robust interface between oil and water phases, further bolstering the product's stability. The safety of PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil has been widely recognized for topical use, making it suitable for most individuals.

Burnett, C. L., Heldreth, B., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D. C., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., & Andersen, F. A. (2014b). Safety assessment of PEGylated oils as used in cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 33(4_suppl), 13S-39S.

Serves as a reliable preservative in skincare products, safeguarding against microbial growth and ensuring product safety. Used in concentrations below 1%. It is a synthetic compound formed by reacting phenol with ethylene oxide. By inhibiting bacteria, yeast, and mold, Phenoxyethanol extends the shelf life of formulations and maintains their quality. Scientific research confirms its efficacy and safety when used within approved limits, making it a widely used preservative in cosmetic formulations.

Final report on the safety assessment of phenoxyethanol. (1990). Journal of the American College of Toxicology, 9(2), 259–277.

Plays a pivotal role as an emulsifying and solubilizing agent in skincare formulations. Sourced from sorbitol, a sugar alcohol, and fatty acids derived from vegetable oils. Primarily, Polysorbate 20 excels in blending oil and water-based ingredients. Its emulsifying properties facilitate a smooth amalgamation of disparate components, creating homogeneity and preventing unwanted separation. Moreover, Polysorbate 20 significantly enhances the spreadability and distribution of the formulation on the skin, promoting an even and comfortable application. Polysorbate 20 is generally considered safe for topical use.

Final report on the safety assessment of polysorbates 20, 21, 40, 60, 61, 65, 80, 81, and 85. (1984). Journal of the American College of Toxicology, 3(5), 1–82.

Plays a crucial role in skincare formulations as an emulsifying and solubilizing agent. Derived from sorbitol, a sugar alcohol, and fatty acids sourced from vegetable oils, it seamlessly blends oil and water-based ingredients, stabilizing formulations and enhancing product texture and spreadability. Acting as an emulsifier, Polysorbate 60 facilitates the smooth integration of oil and water-based components, maintaining the stability of the formulation. When used topically, Polysorbate 60 is generally deemed safe.

Final report on the safety assessment of polysorbates 20, 21, 40, 60, 61, 65, 80, 81, and 85. (1984). Journal of the American College of Toxicology, 3(5), 1–82.

Solubilizing agent in skincare formulations originating from the fusion of sorbitol, a sugar alcohol, and fatty acids derived from vegetable oils. Polysorbate 80 adeptly blends oil and water-based ingredients, ensuring formulation stability. Its emulsifying properties prevent ingredient separation and maintaining a consistent product homogeneity. Additionally, Polysorbate 80 enhances the texture and spreadability of the product on the skin, ensuring a smooth and comfortable application. Polysorbate 80 is generally considered safe for topical use.

Final report on the safety assessment of polysorbates 20, 21, 40, 60, 61, 65, 80, 81, and 85. (1984). Journal of the American College of Toxicology, 3(5), 1–82.

Sodium citrate serves as a multifunctional ingredient, primarily functioning as a pH adjuster, chelating agent, and buffering agent. Derived from citric acid, a naturally occurring compound found in citrus fruits, it offers several key benefits. By stabilizing pH levels in cosmetic products, it enhances formulation stability and helps prevent microbial growth. Sodium citrate acts as a buffering agent, ensuring the optimal pH for product performance. Generally considered safe for topical use.

Fiume, M. M., Heldreth, B., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., & Andersen, F. A. (2014). Safety assessment of citric acid, inorganic citrate salts, and alkyl citrate esters as used in cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 33(2_suppl), 16S-46S.

Serves as a crucial pH adjuster and neutralizing agent in skincare formulations. It can be produced through electrolysis of sodium chloride (salt) or derived from natural sources like wood ash. Its primary benefit lies in regulating pH levels within formulations, creating a balanced environment that enhances the overall effectiveness of skincare products. In skincare formulations, it is used in safe and controlled amounts with proper handling and dilution.

Burnett CL, Bergfeld WF, Belsito DV, Hill RA, Klaassen CD, Liebler DC, Marks JG Jr, Shank RC, Slaga TJ, Snyder PW, Gill LJ, Heldreth B. Safety Assessment of Inorganic Hydroxides as Used in Cosmetics. Int J Toxicol. 2021 Oct;40(2_suppl):16S-35S. doi: 10.1177/10915818211018381. PMID: 34514896.

A surfactant derived synthetically from lauric acid and propionic acid. Its working mechanism involves reducing the surface tension between water and oil, thereby enabling effective emulsification and dispersion of different substances. The safety of Sodium Lauriminodipropionate is widely acknowledged for topical use.

Burnett CL, Bergfeld WF, Belsito DV, et al. Safety Assessment of Lauriminodipropionic Acid, Sodium Lauriminodipropionate, and Disodium Lauriminodipropionate as Used in Cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology. 2013;32(5_suppl):49S-55S. doi:10.1177/1091581813497765

A multifunctional emulsifying agent and surfactant in skincare formulations, originates from a blend of stearic acid, a saturated fatty acid, and ethylene oxide. Steareth-20 blends oil and water-based ingredients, ensuring formulation stability. Moreover, Steareth-20 plays a pivotal role in enhancing the smooth texture and spreadability of the product, delivering a pleasing application experience. This ingredient is generally deemed safe for topical use.

Fiume MM, Heldreth B, Bergfeld WF, et al. Safety Assessment of Alkyl PEG Ethers as Used in Cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology. 2012;31(5_suppl):169S-244S. doi:10.1177/1091581812444141

A superabsorbent polymer extensively utilized in skincare formulations. Derived from acrylic acid through synthetic means, this ingredient exhibits exceptional water-absorbing capabilities, significantly impacting moisture control in skincare products. Its ability to absorb and retain substantial amounts of water translates into improved hydration and moisturization in formulations, effectively enhancing the overall efficacy of skincare products. Moreover, Sodium Polyacrylate significantly contributes to the product's texture, imparting a smooth and velvety feel that enhances user experience and satisfaction. Additionally, this versatile polymer plays a pivotal role in stabilizing emulsions, effectively preventing ingredient separation and promoting formulation stability. As a result, skincare products incorporating Sodium Polyacrylate not only deliver optimal hydration but also maintain their integrity over time, providing consumers with reliable and consistent performance. With an excellent safety profile for topical use, Sodium Polyacrylate is suitable for most individuals.

M, Z. F. (2002). Final report on the safety assessment of acrylates copolymer and 33 related cosmetic ingredients. International Journal of Toxicology, 21(3_suppl), 1–50.

A beneficial ingredient commonly used in skincare formulations for its excellent emollient and skin conditioning properties. Derived from the combination of glycerin and heptanoic acid. It is readily absorbed, leaving a non-greasy and smooth sensation on the skin's surface. Triheptanoin is generally considered safe for topical use.

Fiume MM, Bergfeld WF, Belsito DV, Hill RA, Klaassen CD, Liebler DC, Marks JG Jr, Shank RC, Slaga TJ, Snyder PW, Heldreth B. Amended Safety Assessment of Triglycerides as Used in Cosmetics. Int J Toxicol. 2022 Dec;41(3_suppl):22-68. doi: 10.1177/10915818221123790. Epub 2022 Oct 2. PMID: 36189772.

A multifunctional ingredient used in skincare formulations for its thickening and stabilizing properties. It is produced through the fermentation of carbohydrates by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris. This versatile component enhances product texture, improves viscosity, and ensures formulation stability. When mixed with water, xanthan gum forms a gel-like consistency, contributing to a smooth and creamy feel in products. It effectively prevents ingredient separation and maintains the overall stability of the formulation. Generally considered safe for topical use.

Fiume, M. M., Heldreth, B., Bergfeld, W. F., Belsito, D., Hill, R. A., Klaassen, C. D., Liebler, D., Marks, J. G., Shank, R. C., Slaga, T. J., Snyder, P. W., & Andersen, F. A. (2016). Safety assessment of microbial polysaccharide gums as used in cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology, 35(1_suppl), 5S-49S.

A versatile ingredient with several functions in skincare formulations. It is derived from plant-based sources, and possesses good conditioning properties. 1,10-Decanediol also acts as an effective antimicrobial agent, inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Safety-wise, 1,10-Decanediol is generally considered safe for topical use in cosmetic formulations.

National Center for Biotechnology Information (2023). PubChem Compound Summary for CID 8174, 1-Decanol. Retrieved August 9, 2023 from
